Do I need treatment?
You may require treatment if you suffer from restless legs syndrome, have itching, fatigue or swelling in your legs or have worsened pain after standing or sitting for a long time. 1 in 4 Americans suffer from venous disease, the cause of varicose veins.
What does a vein treatment include?
The process typically includes a consultation with one of our clinicians, a period where you’ll wear compression stockings (at least six weeks), an ultrasound and finally, a 30-minute procedure.
Do I need to wear compression stockings?
Yes. Insurance carriers require you wear prescription grade compression stockings in order to cover the procedure. Already worn them? You can skip this step.
What is the actual procedure like?
The procedure is non-surgical and typically lasts about 30 minutes. We’ll apply a local anesthetic and make sure you stay comfortable for the duration of the procedure.
Is it covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies cover treatment as long as it is medically necessary. Our administrative team will work with your insurance company to ensure your procedure is covered before we schedule your procedure appointment.
How long is recovery?
Typically one day. Patients can drive themselves home immediately after the procedure and return to normal activity within just a few hours.
Will I need more than one procedure?
Most patients require a single procedure, but others may need additional treatment and follow up care. The sooner you receive treatment, the less likely the need for additional procedures.
When will I see results?
Varicose veins start to shrink immediately after the procedure. You’ll see significant improvements in your symptoms in about two weeks.