How early detection and determination helped Paula overcome cancer.

Paula Lynch’s inspiring story highlights the importance of early detection in the fight against breast cancer. Although she led a healthy lifestyle, her first routine mammogram at 42 revealed something she never expected—breast cancer. Through her resilience, Paula fought back. Now, she encourages all women to start their screenings at 40, so early detection can give you the chance to fight—and win.

Meet Paula: How Her First Mammogram Changed Everything

At 42, Paula Lynch was navigating life as a busy new mother to her young son. Growing up, her mother emphasized the importance of annual mammograms, reminding Paula to start screenings at 40. Life, however, got busy, and it wasn’t until she turned 42 that Paula scheduled her first mammogram.

She went into the appointment feeling fine and having no symptoms, but her mammogram revealed a suspicious area that led to a biopsy the next day. “I felt healthy—no lumps, no pain. I couldn’t believe it,” Paula shared. But that mammogram and biopsy uncovered breast cancer—something Paula never anticipated.

Paula, a 42 year old new mom who was diagnosed with breast cancer, and beat the odds.

Facing the Diagnosis: From Shock to Action

Paula remembers the call from the doctor vividly. “I was at home with my one-year-old son when the doctor called. I stood against the wall, and as soon as I heard the words ‘breast cancer,’ I just slid down to the floor in shock,” she says. “I was scared, I was angry, and I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was healthy—how could I have cancer?”

From that moment, Paula’s world changed. She was referred to Dr. Lannon, a leading breast surgeon at Yale, who outlined her options. Paula was presented with the choice of a lumpectomy, a surgery that would only remove the cancerous tissue. But Paula didn’t want to leave anything to chance, so she opted for a mastectomy, removing all the breast tissue while preserving the muscle. She knew that this battle would require all her strength and resilience, but she was ready to fight.

Paula 42 year old breast cancer survivor and her one and a half year old son.

Fighting Cancer Head-On: Treatment with Courage and Determination

Following her mastectomy, Paula’s fight continued as she began chemotherapy paired with a deep commitment to fight—and win. “I held my son tight and thought, ‘I need to be here for him.’ That’s when I knew I had to fight.”

Determined not to let cancer take over her life, Paula took an active role in her treatment. She researched supplements and nutrition to support her body during chemotherapy, determined to stay strong and healthy throughout the process.

With the help of her husband, who prepared nutrient-packed smoothies and supported her through every step, Paula maintained her strength throughout her treatment. She even worked through most of her chemotherapy, taking only a week off each month to recover. “I wasn’t going to let cancer stop me,” she says. “I wanted to keep living my life.”

Nineteen Years Cancer-Free: Empowering Others Through Her Story

Now, 19 years after her diagnosis, Paula is cancer-free and thriving. She reflects on her journey with pride and gratitude, knowing that early detection saved her life. “Cancer didn’t win—I did,” Paula says. “I’m stronger now because of it, and my life is fuller. I appreciate every day more than ever.”

Her experience with breast cancer has made her a passionate advocate for annual screenings. She encourages women not to wait and not to put their health on the back burner. “You might feel fine, but that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. The mammogram saved my life, and it could save yours, too.”

Paula now uses her story to uplift and support other women who are either facing breast cancer or are hesitant to get screened. “Every woman’s journey is unique, but early detection gives you the power to act when it matters most.”

Paula, life after breast cancer remission


Paula’s message to women everywhere is simple yet powerful: “Don’t wait. Don’t be afraid. Take charge of your health—because your life is worth it.” Her journey shows that prioritizing your health is one of the bravest decisions you can make. Whether it’s scheduling your mammogram or doing regular self-exams, listening to your body could make all the difference. Every journey is unique, but early detection gives you the power to face it with courage.

Prioritize your health—call us at 860-289-3375 to schedule your mammogram today and take the first step toward putting your health first.


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